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ViceMinisterio, stayed in the virtual world, at the COL event. 4.0

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Winning strategy of the metaverse.

VICEMINISTERIO, a technology-forward company, joined the virtual event created for Colombia 4.0 in partnership with Ticket Code. In a special edition held in a virtual world created by the La Colonia Metaverse technology, a registered trademark.

For VICEMINISTERIO, lived a unique experience: a completely virtual event with more than 400,000 attendees in 3 days, 11 auditoriums and 80 stands with software and IT experts.

At the #MinTic event, organized by mincultura.gov.co and Ticket Code, an experience was offered in Spanish, English and sign language for more than 400,000 virtual attendees.

3 days of live broadcasts, 11 auditoriums and 80 stands with software and IT experts: this was part of the #MinTic event, in which mincultura, mincit.gov.co participated in collaboration with Ticket Code.

Who and what is VICEMINISTERIO?

VICEMINISTERIO : The Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies leads the public initiative.

To promote investment in the ICT sector and for the digital transformation of the State.

In other words, it focuses its efforts, generates incentives, and has a high-performance work team.

Setting an example in the use of ICT in its totally digital services and processes.

It is a promoter of programs and projects that strengthen digital citizen skills according to the context of each region.

In addition, public-private alliances will be established under a sustainable model that generates development throughout the country.

VICEMINISTERIO:The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, within the framework of its powers, has as its main objective:

Formulate, adopt, direct and coordinate the general economic and social development policies of the country.

Related to competitiveness, integration and development of productive sectors.

In general: industry, micro, small and medium-sized companies, foreign trade in goods, services and technology.

 Therefore promoting foreign investment, domestic trade and tourism; and executing the policies, general plans, programs and foreign trade projects.

La Colonia Metaverse.

La Colonia Metaverse.

The colony achieved in record time the construction of a virtual world of more than 170,000 square meters, modeled.
Counting on the vision of a team of architects focused on building virtual worlds, 3D modelers, concept artists, front end programmers, backend programmers.
With the support of the Google cloud platform, where in record time more than 150 people managed to create the production of 11 live broadcasts.
In addition, more than 150 virtualized spaces in 3D, multi-device technology and the support of more than 300 audiovisual production agencies.
A platform created by The Data Culture team, with a focus on creating virtual worlds for a variety of exhibitors, where an emphasis is placed on information, education and culture.
The colony has a metaverse that aims to meet the needs of users, providing an unforgettable experience.

Explore the digital future with DOINMEDIA in Colombia 4.0
in Col 4.0 event Resounding success in the Metaverse Colony!